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Who are the Catenians?

Providing supportive friendship for over 100 years, the Catenian Association has a focus on the future and the busy, modern lives of its members. The Catenians originated as a lay association of Catholic men who met to share friendship and mutual support at a time when UK society and government still actively discriminated against them. As society evolved, the Catenian Association adapted. We now invite all Catholics to join our global community of members and their families, offering a genuine sense of belonging and connection.


Our Values



To foster brotherly love among our members and to develop social bonds among our members and their families.


To support one another in the practice of our Faith.

Emotional support

To support and encourage Brothers, their families and widows as needs arise.

Financial support

To support Brothers in difficulty or need including maintaining and administering benevolent funds through the Catenian Association Benevolent and Children’s Fund.

Youth development

To advance the interests and development of young Catholics and to assist them in the choice or pursuit of a career, including the promotion and support of the Catenian Association Bursary Fund.


To help our clergy and to encourage and support vocations to the religious life in appropriate ways.


To support charities which the Circle, Province or Association considers are worthy and relevant..



To find out more about The Catenians visit The Catenians. To learn more about the Salisbury Circle visit Salisbury Catenians.


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