Salisbury Circle Circle 266

Do you ever get depressed by the state of the world? By the poverty and inequality – by wars and famines. Are you a young Catholic aged between your 16th and 25th birthday and are you thinking of doing something – anything – about it and the help make a difference? To be what Pope Francis calls “a missionary disciple”? If so, then we may be able to help you, by offering you a financial award to help you to realise your dreams. The Catenian Bursary Fund has already distributed over £1m to young people engaged in individual projects to help others all over the world. You can organise this project yourself, or with others, or use a Government, faith or commercial organising company – we support them all – the choice is up to you.
We also support young Catholics who travel to Lourdes to act as a helper or support worker to a less-abled pilgrim with either the HCPT or with the Diocesan pilgrimage and we have recently added support for those who travel as support workers on the Across Trust’s Jumbulance. Whatever you do, we believe that engaging to help those less fortunate than yourself will bring you closer to God – and it will also be an experience you’ll never forget.
By the way, you don’t have to be a Catenian or know a Catenian to apply. We give grants to all young Catholics, from all over the world and projects can last anything from 10 days to over a year-long. So why not check us out? You can do that by visiting our website . /
Projects must be for a minimum of 10 days but can stretch up to a year.
The minimum grant is £75 but can be up to £1000 for a longer term project.
Locally, Salisbury Catenians have recently assisted in the award of bursaries to young people in our immediate area to support:
going to Rwanda to spread the Christian ethics through sporting contacts
to spend 9 months with the National Evangelisation Team (NET) Ministries in the USA
to spend 9 weeks in Sri Lanka to gain experience in a clinical setting via teaching projects for Mental Health and Special Needs; followed by 1 week in India in Mental Health.