Salisbury Circle Circle 266
Council Members
Voted for by Circle members
Council Appointed
Ex Officio council member
Steve Carrivick
Vice President
Kevin Lynn
Albert Rhodes
Allan Trowbridge
Presides at Circle & Council meetings.
Nominates his charity for the year.
Arranges Catenian Masses (Deceased Brothers, Vocations, Presidents Sunday).
Set's his programme of visits to other Circles within our Province.
Supports the President.
Arranges the Social Programme.
Will normally be expected to be President the following year.
Will deputise for the President when necessary.
Deals with correspondence, circulates meeting agenda's, takes minutes at meetings and circulates minutes.
Processes membership applications.
Circulates the circle Newsletter to other Circles in Province.
Responsible for the Circle accounts, prepares the yearly budget and the annual end of year financial statement.
Acts as focal point for recruiting new members, liaising with Province & National membership initiatives.
NB promoting the Salisbury Circle and approaching potential new candidates is the responsibility of all the Circle Brothers.
Provincial Councillor
Adrian Holloway
Immediate Past President
Michael Presley
David Morehead
David Gillen
Eric Williams
Represents the Circle at the Provincial Meeting and reports Provincial matters to the Circle.
Provides advice and guidance to current President if required.
Sits alongside President at Circle meetings.
Master of Ceremonies for all the Circle functions.
Ensures the correct setup and running of the meeting.
At the end of the meeting reads the names of all present.
Proposes the toasts at the dinner.
Ensure that the attendance register is signed by all attending Circle meetings.
Issues visiting cards to visiting Brothers.
The Marshal assists the President as required.
He also assist the Chamberlain in the setting up the meeting room, both before and after the Circle meeting.
Normally reads out list of deceased Salisbury Brothers at Circle meeting.
Steve Carivick
John Detain
Press & Publicity
David Morehead
Benevolence Board Chair
David Morehead
Contact point for our Catenian Charities - the Benevolence Fund and the Bursary Grants.
Receives and reports on any welfare concerns of brothers or their families.
Responsible for raising the Association’s profile within the Parish and elsewhere to ensure that all parishioners are aware of who we are and what we are doing.
Web & Newsletter
Richard Verrian
Co-ordinates the diners, in liaison with our usual venue.
The Benevolence Board comprises three Salisbury Brothers plus the Director of Province 11.
The Benevolent Fund is designed to support Brothers
Sometimes known as Youth Officer.
Provides a focal point for any Catenian youth initiative within our local Catholic schools.
Prepares the monthly Circle newsletter and circulates electronic copies to Brothers & Widows. (Secretary circulates copies to Brothers without email with the meeting minutes).
Maintains the Circle Website